quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

Genesis Kcab

I'm Jo Mansano and I will follow this trip in my life, my thoughts, opinions, my world and others... There may be a lot of erros, but my intention is to practice my english.

The blog name

The correct blog name is Front Back. I used the reversed word on purpose as if "back" was returning from "front".

The Blogger

She is a little distracted, never saves names, adress or localizations. hahaha I'm lost sometimes...Cute? No, it's bad.
But I remember easily and will write here of moments, places and people.

I like colors, images and music - nice sounds. I love things that take my breath and speeds up my heart, things that make me feel.

I'm studying Administration and work with Human Resources. So, I live in São Paulo and have a dog, her name is Kate and she's not the princess!!!

Done. Let's go. :)


Um comentário:

  1. Aeeee \o/
    Boa sorte no blog Jo! Vai ser ótimo praticar assim, além de ser uma maneira super bacana de se expressar né.
